I learned today that I am put on this earth to make art.
I do not know if this will change the way I make art or not.
I made art like I was put on this earth to make art before I knew that this was true.
I was struggling to know if I needed to do this at all for the last few weeks.
Why do I make things if other people are already making things?
Can’t I just make things and not share them with anyone?
Does it matter that I am making things at all if I don’t share them?
It bothers me so much that social media has been the only sustainable way that I have had to share my art with the world. I think that I am going to start uploading my art to my website directly & more frequently, and beginning the abandonment of social media.
When I was a kid, I visited theoatmeal.com once a day to see his art. Provided he made comics, it was such a special thing. I did not laugh as it happened upon my feed, I looked it up with the intention of seeing it. I would prefer that over people happening upon my creation in the world and then moving onto the next bright thing that will make them feel a completely different way.
The ideal situation would be that my art could just be, in a place where people can visit it, and if they really want to, they can buy the art too. Like a website that you can physically go to and experience in the real world. Maybe the door is made of frosted glass, and there is wood paneling on the walls, and orange carpet on the ground. If you are there I will make you tea and let you be. Sometimes I won’t be there at all but the tea kettle will be there.
I just think, if making art is so special to me, why am I treating it like people treat photos they take of their breakfast? I don’t want to compete to be seen. I want to opt out of that.
What do you do when it’s all happening at once and none of it is what you really want?
Slow down and consider what you can do to influence a different outcome!
In 2 years this dream will be my world, and I will feel at ease.
For right now I am grateful for the reality that I am currently in. So much work has been done to get here, and once this was a dream that I dreamed one afternoon long ago. Because that is true, I know the next parts will be true too.