Artist Biography:

I am not a self taught artist - to say that is to erase all the wisdom I have been taught, although I am not taught by an educational institution, I have been taught by everything & everybody that I have encountered over the years.

I do not like learning traditionally, I need the objects to teach me their wisdom. I am an animist, I believe everything has a soul, and if we pay attention, we can learn lessons from them. My art is one of my greatest teachers, I have learned patience, embroidery, painting, my distress tolerance has increased, and I am a lot kinder to myself & others.

Artist Statement for my Fiber Arts:

Embroidering on a blank stretched canvas to begin with, I then cut the art from the frame, and find a new way to reattach the embroidery to the frame, often taking a very long time, and utilizing tension & stress of the string to reattach the art back to its frame.

This is a metaphor for the daily challenges I face as an autistic adult, fitting inside of the expectations for an adult do not come easily to me, and often takes a really long time, filled with stress & tension.

By recreating my experience in the world through art, I am able to come to peace with how I am, and how I naturally navigate the world around me, because the process allows me to grow an appreciation for all that I do in order to survive.